Posted on september 15, 2019 / By DEMO PLASTIK

At the end of July, Demo Plastik participated in the suppliers’ day organized by TBT (Toyota Boshoku). The opportunity for our Turkish teams, after two years of close collaboration with the Japanese group, to be recognized in two important sectors: project management and quality management.
The recognition of the rigor of the project management and quality management processes of Demo Plastik by one of the very first world leaders in the automotive sector is to the credit of all the Turkish Demo teams. This double nomination (290B/160B) means that Demo Plastik knows how to meet all expectations regarding the schedule and the quality level of a project, in each of its components: tools, equipment, part samples and documentation.
Everything turned out to be in line with OTC expectations. In addition, the SOP schedule and improved start-up costs were also recognized as Demo Plastik’s best areas, resulting in both of these prizes being awarded!
"The demonstration carried out convinced that Demo Plastik provided a quick and efficient response to problem-solving activities", explains Erkan Korhan, General Manager at Demo Plastik. “With Toyota, we have learned to solve problems in the field (GEMBA), and to standardize (YOKOTEN) these improvements in all areas.
Of course, we will continue to improve to follow our excellent client Toyota at all times. It is with this in mind that we built a project meeting room (OBEYA) so that everyone involved can follow the projects together in one place. Likewise, we have prepared a “security” reception area, to show how important this issue is for our company. We truly believe Toyota is moving our world in the right direction. Therefore, we will focus on the new opportunities that should allow Safe Demo to further increase the development of projects with Toyota."